Friday, October 28, 2011

Going Home.....

Weeee..... Beberapa jam lagi nak fly2 balik kg.. Rindu sangat2 kat ayah n bonda terchenta.... Mcm lama sgt x balik.. Walhal raya bebaru tu baru je balik.. Akhsss... Next week kan raye aji.. Kebetulan lak ngan cuti sem pun baru mula so apa lagi jom la blah balik kg.. Dr beraya kat hostel sorg2 huhuh lagi parah... Mom tunggu ya.. Anak tersyang mak nak balik ni.. Hehee siap tuk jadi babuk aka org gaji aka pengurus umah hahaha....leh la mak rehat 2minggu ni.. Main farmville .... Pasal umah,dapur jangan risau saya handle k.. Aishhh mata x nak lelap.. Syok sgt nak balik.. Jap lagi kul 4pg nak gerak pi LCCT... Flight kul 7:20pg ..... Kang atas kapal baru tido... Akhsss... Ok la wa nak blah.. Nanti2 kita coret2 lagi blog ni hehee :) adiosss amigos..

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Evening at TGIF Alamanda

emmmmmm haus terus tgk pic ni.... terasa2 kat anak tekak hehhehe...
well ni day out pi makan2 melantak... dah lama x lepak kat TGIF ni.. me not a fan sangat la kat TGIF ni.. tapi sebab kan dia baru buka kat alamanda and craving for western food yang sedap... so ini la jawapannya..
lepak kat alamanda dari pagi sampai petang..perut pun dh melalak minta di isi...
punya lah belek punya belek menu TGIF ni... akhirnya yang adoo gak di order hahahha....

Our Appetizer 

yang sedap pun kat dalam ni hanyalah ayam tu jer... yang lain biasa2 jer..
my pebret masih lagi la kat chilis.. terbaik!!!! bila makan ni teringat kat chilis... 

My order

sebab dh tau tau nak makan apa... daging ni not my pebert sgt... lebih suka makanan laut ... so amik la fish n chip... lagi sekali x leh lawan sesedap chilis... huhuuh ini yang membuatkan nak pi chilis ni....

My sis order

brocoli tinggal sebijik.... yang terlupa nak snap... hahhahah dh separuh dh dibedal.. baru teringat nak amik pic... yg penting perut happy.....


Me and My Cream Brulee frep

emmmmm yummmmmm.....
seharian lepak kat sturbucks alamanda... merelaxkan diri n minda bersama2 my yummy brulee frepp...
klu dulu cant live without my machiato now i need my cream brulee akhsss.... tapi machiato tetap dihati... bagi high kepala otak hahhahaah..... dengan extra shot lagi perggghhh terbaikkkk!!!!
lepas tu hyper gila kebaban..... haahhahaha pas minum mesti susah nak tido punya... tu yang syok nya..
abis satu bilik dikemas sbb x leh tido... sok2 bangun tido bilik berkilat'ss kuang3...  opsss bukan bermakna my bilik x berkilat sebelum ni hokey.... sentiasa bersih cuma pas tu extra bersih la.. sbb dh extra shot...
apa la yang aku merepek ni... ni dh hyper la ni... ok la nak cont minum my brulee freep... enjoy your weeknd everone.... adiossss wa berambus.................

Monday, October 3, 2011


Kisah seorang wanita yang mungkin disakiti atau sedang disakiti...
Dalam sedar atau saje2 wat x sedar kerana takut dengan apa yang bakal berlaku...
kemungkinan semuanya jelas dan nyata... tapi tak mahu mengakui dan tak mahu menghadapi...
kenapa begitu sukar bagi seorang yang bergelar wanita.... 
Mungkin mereka terlalu memikirkan untuk kebaikan orang lain...
Atau Mungkin mereka terlalu menyayangi 
sehingga tidak sanggup melukakan hati orang yang tersayang
walhal melukakan diri sendiri... sanggup sakit dan terluka.. sanggup melakukan apa saja... sanggup berkorban demi yang tersayang.... terlalu lemah ke seseorang yang bernama wanita???....

Mereka tidak lemah... mereka juga tidak bodoh... malah mereka sangat kuat dan tabah... 
Mereka sanggup hadapi apa jua rintangan demi orang2 yang disayangi... 
walaupun ianya akan memusnahkan diri mereka sendiri...
Dan aku adalah wanita.....
sungguh rapuh dan goyah hatinya .. tapi demi yang tersayang aku sangup ...
melupakan yang pahit dan menyakitkan... 
sekiranya apa yang di inginkan  tidak seperti yang diharapkan..
akan ku harungi jua... seperti  lirik dalam lagu...
Mungkin aku x sekuat yang disangka... mungkin jua aku tak setabah yang ku rasa...
tapi aku akan berusaha ...terus berjuang dan berjuang... untuk orang2 yang menyayangi ku.....

Ya Allah .....
sungguh besar dugaanmu terhadapku...
sungguh aku tidak tertanggung rasanya...
kadangkala ku terasa putus asa....
ingin rasanya menghilangkan diri jauh dari semua....
tidak sanggup mengualangi dan jatuh cinta lagi...
rasa sakit yang dirasa tersangat dalam dan pedih....

Ya Allah....
tabahkan la hati hambamu ini....
melalui saat2 pedih dan sakit ini...
berikan la hambamu ini semangat 
untuk menghadapi apa2 jua kemungkinan....

p/s: sori la... post kali ni serabut sikit... sbb otak tengah serabut... main bantai jer tulis hehe.... ahhhhhh.... leth dengan semua... hope exam cepat abis n dpt balik kg tenangkn pikiran yg serabut ni.... adiossss....

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadhan Datang Lagi...... :)

aikkk nak blah kew??? heheheh

Salam... Alhamdulillah.... aku masih disini.. masih diberi peluang untuk menyambut bulan yang mulia dan cukup berkat ini.... setahun telah berlalu kini ramadhan datang lagi ...bulan untuk mengumpul sebanyak mana pahala yang mampu... menghapuskan dosa yang lampau... memberi pengertian yang dalam buat setiap insan yang menjalani nya.. semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan di bulan yang mulia ini... sempena bulan yang berkat ini.. saya... "HAFIZAH YUSOF" ingin memohon seribu keampunan dan kemaafan seandainya terdapat kesalahan atau kesilapan yang saya lalukan sepanjang perkenalan kita semua....perghhhhh ayat hehehhe....
maafkan saya..maafkan saya...maafkan saya..... berapa banyak maaf la.....hehheheh...

Salam Ramadhan Untuk Semua follower and yang di follow k... semoga ramadhan ini membawa keberkatan untuk semua.... 

POSE TAU JANGAN TAK POSE..... :)) salam sayang untuk semuaaaa..............

Saturday, July 16, 2011

LOVE is Like's...???

1.To My Friends Who Are...........SINGLE

Love is like a butterfly . The more you chase it , the more it eludes you. But if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it. Love can make you happy but often it hurts , but love's only special when you give it to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best.

2.To My Friends Who Are............NOT SO SINGLE

Love isn't about becoming somebody else's "perfect person." It's about finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be.

3.To My Friends Who Are............PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE

Never say "I love you" if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there. Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart . Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...

4.To My Friends Who Are............MARRIED

Love is not about "it's your fault", but "I'm sorry ." Not "where are you", but "I'm right here." Not "how could you", but "I understand." Not "I wish you were", but "I'm thankful you are."

5.To My Friends Who Are............ENGAGED

The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together but how good you are for each other.

6.To My Friends Who Are............HEARTBROKEN

Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go. The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them .

7.To My Friends Who Are............NAIVE

How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent, share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand, and get hurt but never keep the pain.

8.To My Friends Who Are............POSSESSIVE

It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.

9.To My Friends Who Are............AFRAID TO CONFESS

Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you. But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel.

10.To My Friends Who Are............STILL HOLDING ON

A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....


My wish for you is a man/women whose love is honest, strong , mature , never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging, rewarding and unselfish. 


Know what, love is precisely similar with somebody who waiting for a bus.
When that bus come, you see that bus and you said to yourself,"Eee… full… No Seat." So, you say...
“I will wait for other bus." then you let the bus drive away,and waiting for a another bus...
Then,second bus arrive.
You see that bus and say, “Eeee… this bus so ugly … uncomfortable.And may be this bus will broke in the middle of the road." So, you let the ugly bus gone and you want to wait for another bus...
After a while, come again another bus.
The bus is empty, not full and not as ugly as the second bus but this time you said, “Emmm…. dont have air conditioner… weather is hot. Better I wait for another bus."
And once again you let the bus go and you want to wait for another bus.
Suddenly cloud getting dark,and more cloudy and then you realize that you are already too late. You started to panic and just take a bus that come, although the bus was not perfect as u want.
And then you realize that… you take a wrong bus.
So,all this time you just wasted a great deal of time and money to wait for what you want.
Although the bus have air conditioner, can you make sure that the bus will not broken in the middle of the road or are that bus is not to cold for you?
So, (girls and boys) to desire for what we want is not wrong.
But, its not wrong also if you willing to give one opportunity to others, right?
If you find out that the “bus" uncomfortable for you, what you can do is just press the bell and step out off the bus.
I sure all of you has experienced this . You see a bus come (the bus that you waiting for),
you want to get on that bus but the bus just pass you away..... the driver pretend that he/she not see you there.....
Hahahhaa.... if there is a bus passing away like that to me... what I do..i just walk...
In fact its stupid to run and catch that bus... you will fall and hurting yourself....
so,love is like waiting a bus...
whether you want to get on that bus and give a chance to that bus its all your decision....
And when you walk, actually you run away from love ......

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Live My Life

hii uolss... long time no write.. so many things happen in a short time.. so many thing to be done.. so many problem to face many so many so many.... story begin....

im not use to be sad all the time.. and i dont like to be sad..i think no body like it.. but i dont know why this thing happen to me.. when i had a very wonderful time,a moment of  happiness and after that i will receive the bad and sad news... when will this end???

sometimes i afraid to be happy..I'm afraid of being happy because everytime  I'm happy, something bad always happens...but what was i thinking right?? im not GOD to do all that thing... im just a tiny creature in this world.. living on earth...

 i just wish that i will be happy in the future.. with someone that i love.. and it was u.. and it will always  be.... i dont know if i can open my heart for someone else after this... i think i was curse by u.. crazy in love with u... 

arghhhhhhhh why life dont  be fair to me????? why?? why???? i just need to be happy..........(kata2 org tgh serabut)...

i hold all this sadness in my heart and i need to get it out from my heart and write it here... so that my heart will reduce the pain a bit...not all but its help me....

fuhhhh..........what a gr8 many drama's... so many problem not come by it self... coz we create it... no body live in this world dont have problems.. tell me who??? if there is any?? i would like to meet this person... a person without problem...(start merepek)

well ok folks... b4 i start to talk nonsense.. better i  berambus...... ok


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sweet MOMENT With My Lovely MOM

I MISS MY MOM ...huhuuhu,,, mak terima kasih atas bimbingan dan kesabaran mak mendidik anak mak yang nakal ini... thnks sebab selalu bagi nasihat dan mendengar keluhan hati yang selalu bekecamuk ini.. walaupun mak selalu bising..membebel kat saya.. saya x kisah sebab itu lah yang membuatkan mak sangat2 istimewa kat hati saya.. kalau sehari x dengar mak bising macam x complete la my day heheheh...  saya tahu mak akan selalu ada dan memberi semangat kat saya dalam apa pun jua keaadan.. 
that why i love u so much!!! mahal mahal na kita... :)))


Lirik Lagu Mawar Putih Untuk Mama – Sharifah Aini

Kau sinaran bulan
Menyerikan bitang-bintang
Kaulah fajar yang menerbitkan pagi

Kau sirami embun
Menyegarkan pepohonan
Kau bukakan tabir siang untukku

Kau berikan mama
Kasih sayang maha suci
Betapa agungnya
Tiada ternilaikan
Oh mama, oh mamaku
Tiada cinta yang suci
Setulus cintamu

Ku suntingkan mama
Sekuntum mawar putih
Sebagai lambang kesucian cintaku

Monday, February 14, 2011

Sweet Weekend With Him :)

happy,smile,adore,loved...bla bla bla.... yess im soo happy..verry3 hehehe.... so long not see him..he being bz lately and last weekend was the revenge hahahaha... i love u so much :)) thanks for the time..... he really sweet and a vary patience men... patience with my childish behavior and jealousy ....hehe... need more and more attention from him... love him more and more... :))

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Colbie Caillat - Fallin For You - Lyrics.

Hati Berkecamuk

salam lama tak buat luahan hati ni..... hemm sejak 2 menjak ni hati selalu sedih... terasa x diperlukan lagi... terasa   tak penting.... semakin aku ingin jauhkan perasan yang berkecamuk ini semakin tersimpul pulak.. selalu pujuk hati it will be ok.. everything is fine....tapi bila hati dh fragile macam2 yang akan timbul kat kotak pikiran.... tapi aku tabahkan hati .... berkata2 kepada diri sendiri... stop it!!!! dont think!!! tapi otak ni degil sungguh... aduhh ni dh kes parah ni.... i dont know why i like him so much... even he the type yang susah nak luahkan perasaan dengan kata2 ... but i feel save with him... feel so comfortable... adorobul 2 hehehe... hemmm I love Him!!! that what i know... susah kan hati wanita ni... nak dibelai sentiasa.... hemm wahai hati bertenang lah.... everything is ok...
P/S to my love.... I LOVE U....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Testing!! Blogging from My N900

Testing3....x leh tdo.... So tangan dok gatal belek2 hp terjumpe lak ngan app ini "MaStory"... Install la dlm my n900... And....yess pas ni leh blogging fresh dari ladang la nampaknya...hehehe :))

Can't Sleep...

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